Post-screening Q&A with Yael Melamede and Eve Fineman.

Sunday, February 2, 5:00 p.m. | Ada Karmi-Melamede is one of the most accomplished female architects in the world, but very little is known about her outside her home country of Israel. ADA: MY MOTHER THE ARCHITECT is a moving portrait of an extraordinary woman, directed by her daughter. A true pioneer who, like many working mothers of her time, was forced to make impossible choices, Ada designed the acclaimed Supreme Court building in Jerusalem, the Open University, the Ben Gurion Airport, and civic institutions around the country. ADA: MY MOTHER THE ARCHITECT profiles an artist deeply tested by the realities of career and motherhood. Post-screening Q&A with Yael Melamede and Eve Fineman.

ADFF:CHICAGO The Architecture & Design Film Festival and Chicago Architecture Center, in collaboration with the Gene Siskel Film Center, present ADFF:CHICAGO 2025—an international festival highlighting films dedicated to the creative spirit of architecture and design. ADFF:CHICAGO 2025 presents 9 programs at the Film Center celebrating films that combine a design focus with human stories, selected for a broad audience of architecture enthusiasts, design professionals, and all fans of nonfiction storytelling. Read more

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