“Run, don't walk to see this 1947 classic from Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.” - Peter Bradshaw, Guardian

“It remains a rapturous, near-indescribable work of cinematic art.” - Noel Murray, AV Club

Monday, October 14, 8:15 p.m. | Psychological tension reigns in this tale of British nuns who establish a convent and dispensary in a former harem in Hindustan. The exotic and erotic atmosphere of their new home seeps into the nuns’ cloistered existence, memories of the past compounding uncertainties about the present and pushing each to her own unraveling. Cinematographer Jack Cardiff and art director Alfred Junge both won Academy Awards for making what is acclaimed as one of the most ravishing of all Technicolor films and a tour de force of set design. The film was exclusively shot in the United Kingdom but convincingly conveyed the vast landscapes and detailed interiors of India to British audiences on the verge of parting with a fading empire.

Awards & Nominations

Winner - Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Academy Awards
Winner - Best Actress (Deborah Kerr), Best Actress (Kathleen Byron), New York Film Critics Circle Awards

Cinema Unbound - The Creative Worlds of Powell & PressburgerIn collaboration with the British Film Institute (BFI), and with generous guidance and support from acclaimed film editor, Thelma Schoonmaker, we proudly presents this celebration of one of the greatest and most enduring filmmaking partnerships. Read more

The Film Center is ADA accessible. This presentation will be projected without open captions. The theater is hearing-loop equipped. For accessibility requests, please email filmcenter@saic.edu