Monday, January 27, 6:00 p.m. | Barbara Rubin’s legendarily transgressive CHRISTMAS ON EARTH will be presented as it was meant to be seen: on two 16mm projectors running simultaneously, with one reel of the film projected smaller, centered, and superimposed on top of the second reel which fills the screen. The film will be accompanied by music that would have been found on AM rock radio in 1963 and color gels will be alternated in front of the projectors. After the film finishes, there will be a short intermission after which the film will be screened a second time with the reels swapped, and with live radio as the soundtrack. Content consideration: contains nudity. 

OFF CENTER is a basement. OFF CENTER is a backyard. OFF CENTER is a place to come hang and experience weird films together in the spirit of DIY filmmaking and the microcinema. Programmed by Michael Wawzenek.

The Film Center is ADA accessible. This presentation will be projected without open captions. The theater is hearing-loop equipped. For accessibility requests, please email