Donation Requests

The Gene Siskel Film Center loves to support the fundraising efforts of other local organizations by making in-kind donations! Our development team reviews the requests on a case by case basis and uses the following criteria to inform their decision on whether or not to fulfill an in-kind donation request:

  • The Film Center only donates to other Chicagoland nonprofit organizations 
  • There is a limit of one in-kind donation to each organization per calendar year 
  • The Film Center receives many in-kind donation requests each year and does not have the capacity to fulfill all of them (but we encourage you to follow up again next year!)

To submit an in-kind donation request, please email with the following information: 

  • Organization's name and summary of the organization's work
  • Name and date of fundraising event
  • If we have donated to your event in the past
  • Deadline to donate
  • Minimum value amount

Please note that due to the volume of requests we receive, the Film Center's development team greatly appreciates requests that do not require us to fill out and return additional paperwork to the requesting organization.