December 1–15 | 10-Film Series
Flyover country, the third coast, the rust belt. The American Midwest has plenty of nicknames, and is arguably more difficult to outline on a map than the east or west coasts. Despite its ambiguous footprint, the Midwest is often defined by its people: hard working, sympathetic, and “nice.” With Heartland, we search for the Midwest's cinematic definition—how is middle America defined by big screen style and story, and when the lights go down, do we like what we see of our cinematic selves (however realistic or fantastical) reflected back at us? After all, unlike THE MUSIC MAN’S Harold Hill, we do know the territory.
Member save 50% on all Heartland tickets. Want to unlock your savings support the nonprofit Gene Siskel Film Center? Click here to become a member or renew your membership. Plus, if you join or renew before 2025, we'll add two additional months for FREE to your standard 12-month membership. Our best deal of the year. And remember— current members don't lose any time by renewing early.
★ FARGO Member Beverage Reception: Members! Starting at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13, join us in the lobby for a members-only beverage reception before the 8:15 p.m. FARGO screening.