In the heart of Miami's Little Haiti, a vibrant immigrant family lives out their reality within the paradigm of “the American Dream.” Xavier, a local construction manager, father, and husband works to secure a life for his family amidst the sweeping waves of gentrification in their neighborhood. A melodic familial portrait unfolds with generational discoveries that resonate with anyone who has a history. Film Center exclusive.

 Haitian American Museum of ChicagoCo-presented by the Haitian American Museum of Chicago. 

Awards & Nominations

Winner - Someone to Watch Award, Film Independent Spirit Awards
Nominee - Best Breakthrough Performance (Atibon Nazaire), Film Independent Spirit Awards
Winner - Special Jury Mention, Tribeca Film Festival
Official Selection - Toronto International Film Festival, Black Harvest Film Festival

The Film Center is ADA accessible. This presentation will be projected without open captions. The theater is hearing-loop equipped. For accessibility requests, please email