In 2012, workers striking for more humane conditions at South Africa’s Lonmin platinum mine are set upon by police, and 37 are massacred. This shocking event mobilized the women of the Marikana community to action in pursuit of justice--a quest related in this inspiring documentary. Primrose and Thumeka, grandmothers and longtime best friends, come to the fore as powerfully respected elders pursuing roles as catalysts bringing together the women of their impoverished makeshift town in the new organization Sikhala Sonke (We Cry Together). Primrose runs for Parliament and wins, taking their concerns national, while Thumeka remains the prime mover locally, addressing the Lonmin company’s massive default on legal obligations to build worker housing and provide a living wage. Now separated by distance and a differing focus of responsibilities, will their combined efforts on behalf of a still-struggling community prevail against the forces arrayed against them? Co-presented with Human Rights Watch, Chicago. ProRes digital. (BS)